Hazards of backend async-ronization in Python

Hazards of backend async-ronization in Python

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Asynchronous code is great if you want to get the most out of your backend system that also sends requests to external systems or does other I/O operations. Refactoring synchronous backend code to get those benefits is not that great, or at least not as easy as I had anticipated.

The post turned out quite lengthy (again) so here’s what it’s about:

  1. Crashing Gunicorn worker - client receives an empty response when blocking I/O operation is executed

  2. Initialization of ContextVar in global context - client’s data accessible to other clients

Crashing Gunicorn worker

In the case of my project we were not that much on a hunt for performance gains but wanted to benefit from automatic documentation that FastAPI provides. However, we defined our middlewares and endpoints async but left most of our code synchronous. And that peculiar mix resulted in crashes of Gunicorn workers.

Minimum reproducible example

Here’s a simplified version of our code

import time
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def read_root():
   start = time.time()
   # this can be a request sent to another service
   # or any other I/O operation
   return {f"This took {time.time() - start} seconds to complete"}

What’s important is that there's a blocking operation when handling requests - time.sleep instead of await asyncio.sleep.

When the above application is run via a Gunicorn:

gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker 'main:app' -b localhost:8000 -t 30

sending a request results in a quite cryptic error

curl localhost:8000
curl: (52) Empty reply from server

which becomes apparent after checking server logs

[2024-02-27 21:57:53 +0100] [18085] [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT (pid:18110)
[2024-02-27 21:57:54 +0100] [18085] [ERROR] Worker (pid:18110) was sent code 134!

As you probably guess, that’s caused by the blocking sleep in handling the request which purely by accident is the exact value of Gunicorn’s worker timeout. That is clear in case of such a simple code snippet but may be harder to debug in a production code. In our case handling a request involved exchanging quite an amount of requests with an external service (which is notorious for causing integration problems).

What is exactly going on?

The main process of Gunicorn essentially does 2 things:

  1. Forwards requests to it’s workers

  2. Manages workers - starts them up, kills if they are not responsive for a specific length of time (yes, the timeout that is passed to gunicorn command), etc.

OK, but the worker is actually alive so why such harsh treatment?

It’s alive but not able to respond to “poking” done by Gunicorn’s main process. Because of the blocking operation the execution control is not handed back to Uvicorn event loop.

Here’s an illustration of what would happen if await asyncio.sleep was used

In that case the execution would return to the event loop which would then call a function that handles the “poke”.

Let’s use the non-blocking operation then:

import asyncio
import time

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def read_root():
   start = time.time()
   # this can be a request sent to another service
   # or any other I/O operation
   await asyncio.sleep(30)
   return {f"This took {time.time() - start} seconds to complete"}

The response is then

curl localhost:8000
["This took 30.002015352249146 seconds to complete"]%

and no sign of problems in the server logs

gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker 'main:app' -b localhost:8000 -t 30
[2024-02-27 22:40:32 +0100] [21686] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
[2024-02-27 22:40:32 +0100] [21686] [INFO] Listening at: (21686)
[2024-02-27 22:40:32 +0100] [21686] [INFO] Using worker: uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker
[2024-02-27 22:40:32 +0100] [21710] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 21710
[2024-02-27 22:40:33 +0100] [21710] [INFO] Started server process [21710]
[2024-02-27 22:40:33 +0100] [21710] [INFO] Waiting for application startup.
[2024-02-27 22:40:33 +0100] [21710] [INFO] Application startup complete.
[2024-02-27 22:41:53 +0100] [21686] [INFO] Handling signal: winch

Solution, bigger and smaller workarounds

What can be done to avoid such problem:

  1. Employ non-blocking operations. This task is challenging with legacy code. Every function leading to the troublesome blockage requires modification, including decorators. This issue intensifies if the altered code must remain compatible with synchronous operations.

  2. Run the synchronous code in a threadpool. The below code does not block

import time

import anyio.to_thread
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.concurrency import run_in_threadpool

app = FastAPI()

async def read_root():
   start = time.time()
   # this can be a request sent to another service
   # or any other I/O operation
   await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(time.sleep, 30)
   return {f"This took {time.time() - start} seconds to complete"}

This is a great option and Starlette/FastAPI actually uses that “trick” to call synchronous middleware or endpoint. Since web frameworks do it automatically, then it’s also a valid option to give up on asynchronous endpoints if your use case allows it.

  1. Get rid of Gunicorn. That may sound controversial but that’s actually a valid option if your app is orchestrated by Kubernetes. In that case Kubernetes manages the “workers” (pods) and Gunicorn doesn’t provide big value.

Initialization of ContextVar in global context

That one was really hard to debug and was caused in big part by how the dependency injection library we use is implemented but it can occur also in case of the code you write yourself. I’ll make the case easier to understand.

Intro: ContextVar in async Python

When processing a request quite often you need to store a state in memory so that it is accessible later in the chain of processing. This could be for example user information (id, email, roles etc.) determined in a middleware based on authentication token and referenced in application or domain code.

Asynchronous code runs, by default, in a single process and thread so if you were to store this data in a global variable, it’d be accessible, or even overwritten by other requests processing.

ContextVar is a solution for such case. It serves the same goal as threading.local and can replace it. The value of a ContextVar will be different for each “chain” of asynchronous processing code

import asyncio
import contextvars

email: contextvars.ContextVar[str] = contextvars.ContextVar("email")

async def get_email() -> str:
   return email.get()

async def set_email(value: str) -> None:
   print(f"Setting email to {value}")

async def email_processing(value: str, seconds_of_sleep: int) -> None:
   await set_email(value)
   await asyncio.sleep(seconds_of_sleep)
   print(f"{await get_email()}, expected {value}")

async def main() -> None:
   await asyncio.gather(
       email_processing("value1@example.com", 1),
       email_processing("value2@example.com", 0),

if name == "__main__":

This prints

python contextvar_example.py  

Setting email to value1@example.com
Setting email to value2@example.com
value2@example.com, expected value2@example.com
value1@example.com, expected value1@example.com

Using ContextVar is quite easy but, as you’ll see below, it’s still possible to introduce bugs 🙂

State provided by web frameworks
By the way, if you don’t need a “clean code” solution for managing state in asynchronous backend, then the framework you use probably does it for you and provides you with a mechanism to store and read state. In FastAPI/Starlette it’s state variable

Global ContextVar

The bug that we implemented was that one of our ContextVar variable sometimes became global - shared between requests - which caused overwriting data and accessing other users data (thankfully we noticed it before deploying the changes to production).

The following simplified example illustrates the problem:

import asyncio
import contextvars

request_state: contextvars.ContextVar[dict] = contextvars.ContextVar(

async def app_startup() -> None:

async def process_request(email: str, processing_time: int) -> None:
   state = request_state.get()
   state["email"] = email
   await asyncio.sleep(processing_time)
   print(f"Processing request with {state=}, expected email {email}")

async def main() -> None:
   await app_startup()
   await asyncio.gather(process_request("value1@example.com", 2), process_request("value2@example.com", 1))

if name == "__main__":

which results in

python global_context_var.py

Processing request with state={'email': 'value2@example.com'},
    expected email value2@example.com
Processing request with state={'email': 'value2@example.com'},
    expected email value1@example.com

ContextVar’s value is set during application startup which makes it shared with subsequent coroutines and/or tasks. When the state is updated during requests processing, it’s also updated for the other coroutine so instead of value1@example.com the first request is processed with value2@example.com.

Again, it’s relatively easy to spot the problem in the above exemplary code but most of the time there’s a lot of indirection. In our case there were 2 cases:

  1. Our dependency injection library uses descriptors which were evaluated during application startup and caused a ContextVar to be initialized (instances of dependencies are stored in the ContextVar)

  2. Due to infrastructure problems an exception during app startup was raised which caused getting an instance of Sentry reporter via dependency injection library… you know the rest.

Solution, workarounds

I can’t think of any pattern that would protect the codebase from introducing such bugs, so sorry, no general solution here. If you are aware of such, please let know in the comments.

We did, however, introduce a safety mechanism - a middleware that checks whether the ContextVar has a value set, reports an error to Sentry if that’s true, resets the variable and proceeds with processing.

Request for patterns

As you can see, even though asynchronous programming concepts in Python are quite simple it’s possible to get into complex problems. If you know some other problematic cases, patterns for solving them or clever ways to refactor code to support async, please write in the comments. Same if you’re interested in some other topics related to async in Python.